With 2020 officially over, it’s that time of year again…a time of reflection, relaxation, and resolutions! 2020 was a lot of things, but more than anything, it taught us a lot about ourselves. Whether you had to find a new way of doing things, develop a new hobby, or just practise (a lot of!) self care, we’ve decided to bring these new skills and mindsets into 2021. Here is our list of five new lessons 2020 taught us, that have become our resolutions for 2021!
New Year, Same Us

1. Growth
Keeping an open mind to the new, ever-changing world…
Our 2021 resolution for our growth, is to always keep an open mind, and be ready to jump into new ideas!
When we say everything was new in 2020, we mean every-thing! Learning to think on our feet, and becoming flexible to every new change became the most important skill of 2020. But, being brought back to basics, with no idea what was around the next corner, allowed us to keep an open mind, and not be afraid of trying new things. Something we are so grateful for that came out of this, was our new Homebodii Soul IGTV Series! Learning to chat and connect from afar gave us so many new lessons, in pilates, cooking, love, and more!

2. Comfort
For our minds and our bodies
Our 2021 resolution for comfort, is to not let ourselves forget that it is okay to need a little comfort sometimes!
2020 was the year of loungewear-inspired professional attire…which is just our way of saying PJ bottoms under the desk! But our time working from home gave us a whole new perspective on being able to do our work, but taking care of ourselves at the same time. The adjustment to a new WFH life was huge, and if we needed a day where all we wore was loungewear, that was okay! Making sure our minds and bodies were comfortable suddenly became a bigger priority than before, and we are more than okay with that.

3. Community
Loving those around us, and appreciating all that they do!
Our 2021 resolution for our community, is to make sure we don’t take family, friends, and those we love for granted again!
Whether your community consisted of faces in Zoom meetings or calls, or simply came together as a family at home, loving those around us was a major part of 2020. In a new world, where almost everyone you saw was through a screen, we began to realise just how much we treasure and rely upon our friends and families.

4. Breathe
Learning to take a minute (or two!) for ourselves.
Our 2021 resolution to breathe, is to remember to take a minute every now and then, to check in with ourselves, our minds, and our bodies.
As with comfort, making sure our mental and emotional health was doing okay was so important in 2020. In industries and jobs where everyone is always run off their feet, we so often forget to take a minute or two to relax, breathe, and rejuvenate. In 2020, we learnt how to let ourselves take a break, to rejuvenate our minds and bodies, so that our work could be even better after

5. Reflection
Constantly reflecting upon our days, our weeks, and ourselves!
Our 2021 resolution for reflection, is to make sure we check in with ourselves, our work, and those around us, to see what changes we could make to make our year even better!
Reflection now, and throughout 2020 was something that became a big part of our lives. Constantly asking ourselves whether we could do something a little different to adjust to the changes, or reflecting upon how we were really doing was so important
Whether you have 1 resolution, or 100, 2021 is definitely going to be a year unlike any other! Adapting to the new world from 2020, and making it our own will be an opportunity we can all make the most of. Happy New Year to all our wonderful Homebodii Souls, we are looking forward to a beautiful year ahead!